Posts about Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Accessibility (I.D.E.A.) at Pacific Northwest Ballet

American Stories: Stephanie Wallach, Commercial Pilot

Both the inherent significance of being an American and my perception of what it means to be an American have changed dramatically for me as I’ve grown older. I was born in 1946. As a child, I completely […]

2016-05-15T10:11:27-07:00May 15th, 2016|Categories: American Story, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Accessibility (I.D.E.A.)|Tags: , , |Comments Off on American Stories: Stephanie Wallach, Commercial Pilot

American Stories: Anne A. Lawrence, An Improbable Trans Ballerina

America’s founders declared the pursuit of happiness to be an unalienable human right, on a par with the right to life itself. Despite an underlying streak of Puritanism, Americans usually accord a measure of tolerance and respect, if sometimes reluctantly, to […]

2016-05-14T22:09:00-07:00May 14th, 2016|Categories: American Story, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Accessibility (I.D.E.A.)|Tags: , , |Comments Off on American Stories: Anne A. Lawrence, An Improbable Trans Ballerina

American Stories: Joyce Ramée, PNB Orchestra

My family was a hodgepodge of national backgrounds, but my generation (late baby boomer) and our previous two generations were all American-born. My parents grew up in the Depression and were young adults during WWII, so my “American Story” was shaped […]

2016-05-14T16:29:18-07:00May 14th, 2016|Categories: American Story, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Accessibility (I.D.E.A.)|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on American Stories: Joyce Ramée, PNB Orchestra

American Stories: Marsha Bennion, Publications Manager

Amelia Eliza Slade Bennion-a

My great-grandmother, Amelia, was born in 1854 and emigrated from Crewkerne, England, a grimy factory town. It took Amelia’s father three years to earn passage for her mother and two sisters, after he found work […]

2016-05-14T16:08:20-07:00May 14th, 2016|Categories: American Story, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Accessibility (I.D.E.A.)|Tags: , , |Comments Off on American Stories: Marsha Bennion, Publications Manager

American Stories: Josh TerAvest, Associate Director of Marketing


My mother grew up on a dairy farm in central California as part of a very close knit Dutch community. My mom’s side of the family has only been in the country since the 1920s where they settled in Minnesota. While my […]

2016-05-14T14:44:16-07:00May 14th, 2016|Categories: American Story, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Accessibility (I.D.E.A.)|Tags: , , |Comments Off on American Stories: Josh TerAvest, Associate Director of Marketing

American Stories: Karen Portzer, PNB Accounting Analyst

My American Story begins with Swiss emigrants in the mid-1700’s who left their homeland to settle in the fertile farmlands of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. When I visited Switzerland, I was amazed at the similarities in barn designs and covered bridges that are […]

2016-05-13T23:06:31-07:00May 13th, 2016|Categories: American Story, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Accessibility (I.D.E.A.)|Tags: , , |Comments Off on American Stories: Karen Portzer, PNB Accounting Analyst

American Stories: Rosselle Pekelis, Former Washington Supreme Court Judge

A few days after my birth in Florence, Italy, in 1938, my mother read the headline in the Italian newspaper: “The Jews are not of the Italian Race.” An Italian Jew with roots in Ancient Rome, she […]

2016-05-13T23:04:11-07:00May 13th, 2016|Categories: American Story, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Accessibility (I.D.E.A.)|Tags: , , |Comments Off on American Stories: Rosselle Pekelis, Former Washington Supreme Court Judge

American Stories: Tad Margelli, PNB Orchestra

Tad Margelli GiuseppeandFilomenaMargelliMy mother and father (both Northwestern University graduates) taught vocal music for many years in the Tacoma School District. My mother’s father was an Army Finance Officer; her mother, a professional musician, once saw Mitch Miller play English horn on television and decided that […]

2016-05-13T22:55:11-07:00May 13th, 2016|Categories: American Story, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Accessibility (I.D.E.A.)|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on American Stories: Tad Margelli, PNB Orchestra

American Stories: Michael Jinsoo Lim, Concertmaster

Michael Jinsoo Lim Lim 3

For my parents, America meant opportunity. Individually, they came to the US from Korea in the 1950’s, meeting for the first time in Chicago, and bringing with them their own stories of perseverance and […]

2016-05-13T22:14:00-07:00May 13th, 2016|Categories: American Story, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Accessibility (I.D.E.A.)|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on American Stories: Michael Jinsoo Lim, Concertmaster

American Stories: Kristen Ramer Liang, Engagement Manager/Executive Assistant

Built in 1902 by my great-grandfather, painted white to keep cool in scorching North Dakota summers, the simple, sturdy farmhouse in this photo has witnessed over a century of history: births, deaths, celebrations, and too many blizzards to count.

2016-05-13T22:11:46-07:00May 13th, 2016|Categories: American Story, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Accessibility (I.D.E.A.)|Tags: , , |Comments Off on American Stories: Kristen Ramer Liang, Engagement Manager/Executive Assistant
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