2024 Summer Course by the Numbers

Over the summer, PNB’s studios are full of dedicated young dance students here for our annual Summer Course. Today on the PNB Blog, we’re breaking down some fun numbers to see just how hard these students are working. Join us in celebrating them and all their achievements this summer!

2024-08-15T16:29:10-07:00August 9th, 2024|Categories: Life at PNB, PNB School, Summer Course|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 2024 Summer Course by the Numbers

Q&A with Dave Jensen, Summer Residence Director

Q&A with Dave Jensen, Summer Residence Director

We know your job is crazy, so how would you describe it in the “30-second elevator pitch”? 

My stock description is “I run the dorm for PNB’s 5-week summer intensive program for about 200 teenage advanced ballet students from all over the […]

2024-07-08T14:35:55-07:00September 17th, 2021|Categories: Life at PNB, Q&A with Dancers, Choreographers & Staff, Summer Course|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Q&A with Dave Jensen, Summer Residence Director
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