Q&A with Principal Dancer Elle Macy
What is one role that holds special significance for you?
Jessica Lang’s Ghost Variations will always be special to me. It brought us back to dancing during the pandemic, and I got to dance with Dylan, which I will always cherish. I also danced this piece when I was promoted last Fall. Big love for Jessica.
What are you most looking forward to for the 50th Anniversary Season?
I always look forward to the varied new works that come to PNB. I love being in the studio with the creative minds. These processes have always stretched my mind and my dancing. With that, I am especially excited to work with Ratmansky, Cerrudo, and Lang again!
What is the best advice that you’ve ever received?
David Dawson told me to “Be brave!” minutes before the curtain came up on Empire Noir. I tell myself this often before performing, AND it’s also pretty applicable in my non-dancing life as well. The simplicity of an affirmation, am I right?

What inspires you outside of the studio?
I feel inspired pretty easily. My mom saw this in me from a young age. People inspire me a lot. My colleagues, my family and friends, my Dylan, and now my dog. Everything is pretty interesting, if you think about it enough. The way people emote, the way animals move, the feeling of wind, and the sound of music. When I take time to slow down and notice, my surroundings feel so rich. BUT it’s not always easy to slow down and take notice.
What significance does being part of PNB during the 50th Anniversary have to you?
I joined the company as an Apprentice during PNB’s 40th anniversary, making this my 10th season here. That young person had big dreams, but I don’t know if she would have let herself imagine all the beautiful things she has today.