2024 Summer Course by the Numbers

Over the summer, PNB’s studios are full of dedicated young dance students here for our annual Summer Course. Today on the PNB Blog, we’re breaking down some fun numbers to see just how hard these students are working. Join us in celebrating them and all their achievements this summer!

Students attended 18 to 21 classes per week, Monday through Saturday, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, meaning PNB School offered 1,050 total classes over the five-week course!

In addition to classes, Summer Course students attended 4 seminars on topics like injury prevention, mental health, and nutrition offered by PNB School’s Consulting Staff. Plus, students could participate in individual pointe shoe fittings by Freed of London staff.

Students from 35 different U.S. states attended; California had the most students represented with 62 students, then New York with 22, and Texas and Washington tied for third with 17 students.

9 international students attended Summer Course; six were from Canada.

29 students’ Zodiac sign is Gemini, the most common sign at Summer Course. Libra was a close second with 26, and Aries came in third with 21!

The Summer Course students learned 21 variations and PNB repertory works, and 11 of those were choreographed by George Balanchine.

Many Summer Course students stayed in the PNB Summer Residence, where they participated in fun activities like the Annual PNB Dorm Dance, attending a Seattle Mariner’s game, and more. Notably, there were 5 late-night runs to Dick’s Drive-In!

While all of this was happening in Seattle, PNB School was busy in Bellveue, too! At the Francia Russel Center, Students attended Summer Course three to six days a week. 97 classes were scheduled per week, meaning 388 total classes were offered over the four-week course.

Congratulations to these students! Are you ready to take on the challenge of PNB’s Summer Course? Learn more here.

Photo credits: Featured photo – PNB School Summer Course students, photo © Angela Sterling. PNB School Summer Course student and Freed of London employee, photo © Angela Sterling. Rachel Foster and PNB School Summer Course students, photo © Angela Sterling. PNB School Summer Course student, photo © Angela Sterling. PNB School Summer Course student and Jonathan Porretta, photo © Angela Sterling.