Blog | Pacific Northwest Ballet2023-04-12T15:57:51-07:00

PNB Blog

Q&A with Corps Member Clara Ruf Maldonado

May 8th, 2023|Dancers|

Describe your perfect day off. I’m usually pretty exhausted from the week, so I tend not to go far from home on my rest days. I would consider a perfect off day to be a quiet night in cooking to some tunes over a glass of wine with fellow dancer Ryan Cardea while we get harassed by my beagle, Bob.

PNB announces the passing of former Principal Dancer Deborah Hadley (1951 – 2023)

May 3rd, 2023|Dancers|

With great sadness and on behalf of her family, Pacific Northwest Ballet announces the sudden passing of Deborah Hadley, PNB’s original prima ballerina. Hadley joined PNB in 1979 and reigned as a Principal Dancer for 13 years.

Q&A with Corps Member Melisa Guilliams

April 30th, 2023|Dancers|

What significance does being part of PNB during the 50th Anniversary have to you? I had the pleasure of growing up in Seattle, so I remember coming to watch dancers at PNB for its 40th anniversary season. It feels so surreal to now dance for this company alongside dancers I looked up to ten years ago.

Q&A with Corps Member Luther DeMyer

April 26th, 2023|Dancers|

What are your favorite Seattle haunts? It has been amazing discovering all of the great restaurants, bars, and coffee shops that Seattle has to offer, since moving here. Some of my favorites include, Kedai Makan, Momiji, Toulouse Petit, Sal y Limon, Streamline Tavern, Bathtub Gin, and Evoke Espresso.

Q&A with Corps Member Abby Jayne DeAngelo

April 24th, 2023|Dancers|

Do you have talents or passions outside of dance? I have studied music since I was a young girl and I play the piano and the harp. Music is a huge part of who I am and partially why I love dancing so much. George Balanchine famously said “see the music, hear the dance,” and I resonate with this very much, as dance and music are heavily intertwined in my daily life.

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