Dancer Promotion! Luther DeMyer

September 20, 2024 – Seattle, WA: Moments before Pacific Northwest Ballet launched its 2024-25 season, Pacific Northwest Ballet Artistic Director Peter Boal and Associate Artistic Director Kiyon Ross stepped out in front of the sparkly-red McCaw Hall stage to announce to the audience that corps de ballet dancer Luther DeMyer has been promoted to Soloist.

Luther DeMyer is featured in THE TIMES ARE RACING, running through September 29. For performance casting information, visit

A smiling Luther DeMyer stands in front of a red, sparkly curtain. His arms are reaching out, and he is holding a bouquet of flowers.

“Luther is sometimes the quietest person in the studio,” began Boal after calling DeMyer out to applause. “But it only takes a moment to realize he is processing movement, musicality, and choreographic intention at warp speeds. It is these qualities that make Luther a quintessential student, a selfless partner, and a dancemaker’s dream. In his thoughtful way, he leads the room and anchors it – a role model in every way. When Luther dances, we are swept up in his passion, commitment, and unbridled abandon. Put simply, Luther elevates our work, our company and our lives.”

Ross continued: “Luther, it’s been an absolute joy to watch you grow, not just as a dancer, but as an artist who constantly pushes the boundaries of excellence. From your days as a professional division student to now, your consistency and relentless pursuit of perfection have been nothing short of inspiring to Peter, me, and everyone around you. You have this incredible knack for not only mastering choreography but embracing every detail, every nuance, with such precision and style. It’s like you were born for this. You’ve truly become a choreographer’s dream—a dancer who not only dances but brings the dance to life. Watching your journey has been an honor, and I couldn’t be prouder to see you take this well-deserved step forward. There’s no doubt in my mind that you’re ready for everything that comes with this new role. Congratulations on your promotion to Soloist!”

Prior to opening night, PNB announced that the Company will be hiring Morgan Barton, Sofia Bidne, Lucas Galvan, and Drew Lybolt from the ranks of the PNB School’s Professional Division, to join the company as apprentices in November. PNB congratulates all of our newly promoted and hired dancers!

Click play below to watch Luther DeMyer in Alexei Ratmansky’s Wartime Elegy.

Dancer Bios

Luther DeMyer is from Indianapolis, Indiana. He studied at the Indianapolis School of Ballet, Miami City Ballet School, and Pacific Northwest Ballet School, and he attended summer courses at the School of American Ballet and Pacific Northwest Ballet School. He joined Pacific Northwest Ballet as an apprentice in 2018 and was promoted to corps de ballet in 2019.

Luther has performed leading roles in George Balanchine’s George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker® (Cavalier, Hot Chocolate, Mother Ginger, and Mouse King); Peter Boal’s Giselle (Wilfried); Alejandro Cerrudo’s One Thousand Pieces; Ulysses Dove’s Dancing on the Front Porch of Heaven; Jean-Christophe Maillot’s Romeo ét Juliette (Paris); Justin Peck’s The Times Are Racing; Crystal Pite’s Plot Point; Eva Stone’s F O I L; and Kent Stowell’s Carmina Burana and Swan Lake (Spanish). He originated leading roles in Alejandro Cerrudo’s Black on Black on Black; Jessica Lang’s Let Me Mingle Tears With Thee; Vincent Michael Lopez’s Op.21, Miles Pertl’s Wash of Gray, Alexei Ratmansky’s Wartime Elegy; Dwight Rhoden’s Catching Feelings; and Price Suddarth’s The Intermission Project.

Morgan Barton is from San Antonio, Texas. She trained at Quenedit Ballet School and on scholarship at The HARID Conservatory and Pacific Northwest Ballet School. She was a member of PNB School’s Professional Division and attended summer courses at PNB, Ellison Ballet, and The HARID Conservatory, each on scholarship. She is the recipient of The Jeannot B. Cerrone Award in recognition of excellence in dance performance (The HARID Conservatory 2022).

Sofia Bidne is from Dallas, Texas. She studied at The Dallas Ballet Center and Pacific Northwest Ballet School’s Professional Division and attended summer courses at the School of American Ballet, Ballet West, and PNB. She was among the top 24 contestants at Youth American Grand Prix Dallas in 2018 and 2020. Additionally, she was a member of the Wranglers, a country western stunt and dance team in Dallas, Texas.

Lucas Galvan is from Seattle, Washington. He studied at Pacific Northwest Ballet School, including the Professional Division, and attended summer courses at Miami City Ballet, School of American Ballet, and Bolshoi Ballet Academy, each on scholarship.

Drew Lybolt is from Indianapolis, Indiana. He trained on scholarship at the Indianapolis School of Ballet and Colburn Dance Academy and was a member of Pacific Northwest Ballet School’s Professional Division. He attended summer courses at the School of American Ballet, PNB, Miami City Ballet, and the School of Philadelphia Ballet. He choreographed and performed a solo work as part of the Library of Congress’ “Concerts from the Library of Congress” series in 2022. The piece was set to a score by Herbert Zipper in an effort to restore music lost or suppressed by the Holocaust.

Luther DeMyer, photos © Angela Sterling.